Color Optimization
RGB to CMYK - RGB to RGB - CMYK to RGB Conversions

We use images in many ways but we almost always create them in RGB. All input devices -Digital cameras, flatbed scanners, drum scanners, even our Betterlight Scanning Camera System- capture data in RGB. It’s a Physics thing.RGB to…
Most of the ways we use images require a Color Space that often doesn’t match what we captured it in. Every device is different, and each device has its own personal Color Space. That may be a monitor, an inkjet printer, your office’s copier, or a printing press and each one is a little different.
Each image needs to be optimized for its final use. A scan is optimized differently for the World Wide Web than for a traditional press. It is different for a large format printer than a magazine. Even 2 newspapers may have differing profiles and procedures.